简介:Talking Tom and Friends is the flagship franchise of multinational entertainment company Outfit7 Limited. As of August 2015 there are six characters (Talking Tom, Talking Angela, Talking Ginger, Talking Ben, Talking Pierre, and Talking Hank) and 15 apps within the Talking Tom and Friends umbrella brand. Since June 2010 the apps have achieved more than 3 billion downloads. It al...
朝花夕誓:于离别之朝束起约定之花/在离别之朝竖起约定之花/在离别的清晨装点上约定之花/道别的早晨就用约定之花点缀吧(台)/Let Us Adorn the Morning of Farewells with Promised Flowers/Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms/朝花夕誓/さよならの朝に約束の花をかざろう/